Important Dates for Year 6 - 7 Transition 2024





The timeline includes the statewide placement appeals process. The dates are follows:


Week 1, Term 2 2023 -Government primary schools distribute the Placement Information Pack for Parents/Carers for 2024 school year to all families of current Year 6 students.


The Parent/Carer Pack contains:

  • Application for Year 7 Placement 2024 Form and Privacy Notice
  • Frequently Asked Question

Friday 12th May 2023 - Parents/carers return Application for Year 7 Placement 2024 Forms to government primary schools by this date


Wednesday 19th July 2023 -Primary schools notify parents/carers of Year 6 students, in writing, of their child’s Year 7 placement offer for 2024 school year


From Thursday 20th July 2023 - Secondary schools send welcome letter to parents/carers of prospective students who have been offered a Year 7 placement for 2024.


From Thursday 20th July 2023 - Parents/carers commence lodging written non-placement appeals with preferred secondary schools.


Friday 28th July 2023 - Closing date for parents/carers to lodge a written non-placement appeal with their preferred secondary schools


Tuesday 8th August 2023 - Secondary schools notify all parents/carers, in writing, of the outcome of non-placement appeals

by this date


Wednesday 9th August 2023 - All parents/carers return their Year 7 Placement Acceptance Slip to their child’s government primary school


Monday 21 August 2023 - Secondary schools may commence distributing orientation, and other transition information to parents/carers of Year 6 students who have a confirmed Year 7 placement for 2024.


Tuesday 22 August 2023 -Closing date for parents/carers to lodge a written non-placement appeal with the applicable Regional Director, where they have been unsuccessful with their appeal to their preferred secondary school


Friday 20 October 2023 -Regions notify all parents/carers in writing of the outcome of Regional Director non-placement appeal by this date.

**This only applies to appeals received by the closing date of Tuesday 22 August


Tuesday 24 October 2023 - Parents/carers who received an outcome for their non-placement appeal to the Regional Director, must submit an updatedYear 7Placement Acceptance Slip to their child’s government primary school by this date


Tuesday 12th December 2023 - Secondary schools host an Orientation Day for all Year 6 students




Transition from Primary to Secondary School is a major event in a child's educational pathway. The following information is aimed to support and inform families on the statewide placement timeline and procedures for 2023-2024 for Victorian Government Schools. For more information to make for a smooth transition visit  and 

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